Monthly Archives: April 2018

Solar Finally Going On!

Over the weekend, we got a ton of stuff done and it was warm enough to wire in the solar panels. That video will be coming soon. But here is the video for installing the WindyNation 200 watt solar panel kit. Sorry, it took so long I had some camera issues to over come.

You can find it on my YouTube channel.

WindyNation 200 Watt 12V or 24V Solar Panel Kit w/ Adjustable Solar Mount Rack and LCD Charge Controller RV, Cabin, Off-Grid Battery

Busy weekend, but productive

This weekend, we got the solar panels mounted on the van, look for that video soon. Also, replaced a bad cable running from my alternator to my battery bank. Then to top it off I was able to save a about a $180 on van maintenance, using Seafoam. You can look for that video coming soon as well. And of course the deep cycle battery testing continues, things are looking good on that front.





Started testing on Pulsetech PowerPulse

This evening I started testing  the Pulsetech PowerPulse on a new battery. The battery is a deep cycle Marine battery, just purchased from Walmart. The battery had an initial voltage of 12.69, but testing with the hydrometer showed 2 week cells. I placed the Pulsetech PowerPulse on the battery tonight and will let it run 24 hours. Then I recharge and test the voltage it will hold.

The entire idea behind this testing is to see if I can improve a weak battery and then test this on 2 other batteries weaker. This will be done in later testing. Stay tuned for updates on this testing. Then down the road you can expect a video of the entire process on my YouTube channel.

Such a nice day out!

I can’t believe it has been more than a year since I have posted. So much has happened and I didn’t even share. For those that don’t know I have been building out a CamperVan. I got a Dodge B3500 Cargo van, it is rough, but getting there. I did quite a bit last spring and summer with the conversion. You can find those videos on my YouTube channel. And I have taken it to Nashville, Chattanooga, and New Orleans. Lots planned for the up coming year. Soon I will be off to the Florida keys. But much to do in getting ready.

Here in Wisconsin it has been so cold and my project list is full. My solar panels are here and ready to go on the van as soon as it is warm, I also want to put a new deck on top and a camp storage box, so look for those videos coming soon.